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Importance Of Forest Environment For Human Existence


A forest is a large area that is sheltered with numerous trees, animals and plants. Many animals that habitat in that region are crucial for our existence and the ecosystem. They are present in every part of the world and are vital for human beings as well. It is a complex part of the ecosystem. They are the most crucial element of the environment as they absorb the noise, clean the air, reduce the heat at night and cool the air on hot days. To help financially support causes that take care of the environment, you might want to consider playing some fun and interactive sports betting games via บาคาร่า.

Forests can originate at any place where the temperature is more than 10-degree Celcius in the hottest month of the year, and the rainfall is more than 200mm yearly.

Types of forest

Tropical rain forest

These forests originate near the equator and are found in Africa, South America and Southeast Asia. These forests are diverse in species according to the area and include million of distinct species. Tropical rain forests are a shelter to one-half of all species, even though they spread in a small portion of the earth. It rains to the maximum in these forests are the temperature is stable around the year – up to 60-degree Fahrenheit. And receives 80 inches (200 cm) rain annually.

Temperate forest

These forests grow in Europe, Northeast Asia and North America in the subsequent latitude ring. Temperate forests have seasons that are well- defined, four seasons. The temperature can vary by going up to 30-degree Celcius to -30 degree Celcius. They receive 30-60 inches (75-150 cm) drizzle every year. The trees present here are coniferous trees such as firs and pines and Deciduous trees (also known as leaf shedding trees) that acquire a large portion of this forest. Some common species of trees are hickory trees, maple, beech, oak, willow, birch and elm. Some common species of animals living in the forest are – foxes, bears, wolves, rabbits, deers, birds and squirrels. These animals have adapted themselves to the coolest of winter and hottest of summer.

Forests alleviate the natural disaster

Mangrove forest is the most select example of how the forest can reduce the disaster. If these forests are maintained and located properly, they can-

  • lessen the surge of storm
  • reduce energy waves
  • alleviate the destruction caused by coastal flooding

Forests also reduce the risk of deforestation that cause a landslide due to earthquake or heavy rainfall. Forests contain water that lessens the impact of heavy torrent downstream.

  • climate imbalance
  • floods
  • soil erosion
  • global warming
  • wildlife extinction

Deforestation can be reduced by planting more and more trees, going paperless, recycling and using recycled products.

Forest form one-third of all the land present on earth. The forest all around the world contains billions of species. We use forest products in our everyday routines, such as paper, fruits, vegetables, wood and more. They are home to a lot of species and prevent all kinds of disaster and emergency. Forests are important for us and must be protected at all cost.

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