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What Are The Roles Played By The Forest/Environment In Our Lives?


What is a forest?

There are hundreds of definitions of a forest throughout the world. But in general, Forest can be seen as an area of land that is dominated by trees. Though the area that doesn’t have trees might also be considered as a forest, it’s kinda tricky.

There are three broad categories that are used to define forest: administrative, land cover, and land use. The administrative-based definition is based upon the legal designation of the land. And commonly bears up the relationship with the vegetation growth on the land.

The land definition serves the primary purpose of the land. The forest area does not include any land that is predominantly under agricultural or urban use. The land cover defines forest based upon the type and density of the vegetation that is growing on the land. To help causes that care for the environment, you might want to look into playing some fun and thrilling sports betting games via oncapan.com.

How does the forest contribute to one’s life?

Human life is totally dependent on forests. Forests are the main source of economic and social benefits that the human species are enjoying. These sources include employment, processing, products, energy, maintaining water supplies, and more. And to help care for the environment, without hurting our pockets, you might want to consider playing บาคาร่า online. Forest also helps in preserving cultural values. Forests play a major role in our environment. Some of its main uses are enlisted below.

Uses of forest 

  • Provides fresh air for breathing
  • Provides shelter for covering our heads
  • Helps in maintaining the temperature and climatic changes
  • Helps in cleansing the water and soil
  • Holds up the nutrients of the soil
  • Fulfills genuine forestry needs of the community
  • Prevents flood and soil erosion
  • Some of the trees help in breaking strong winds in the coastal areas
  • Provides herbs and shrubs for treating medical conditions

Future of the forests

There has been a rapid increase in the human population in the past few decades, due to which many forests have been cut down and used for fulfilling the deeds of selfish humans. Forests have now come to extinction due to these foolish acts. Many poor people are going through hell because of such acts. Why is this happening?

  • Governments have been sanctioning more and more projects which are leading to deforestation, flooding, climatic changes, and more.
  • People are now searching for more and more ways to increase their land areas and maximize their profits.
  • The rate by which forests are being cut down is far more than the rate by which they are getting planted
  • More forests are being cleared to make room for new buildings and projects
  • Cutting down of more and more trees for fulfilling the human needs

What is this causing?

  • Decreased quality of air
  • Irregular climatic changes
  • Excessive hot or cold weather
  • flooding, landscapes, and other natural disasters
  • Soil erosion
  • Extension of thousands of species
  • Greenhouse effect
  • Increased pollution
  • And more

There are numerous problems that are being caused due to the distress done to the Forest/Environment. If these practices keep getting continued in society, one day, we will have to face huge problems that can not be solved easily. Better not to let that day come.

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